Hello, I'm Andrey! An elegant and passionate guy, with a curious mind and an adventurous spirit. I love staying in shape, so the gym is an important part of my life. But I also enjoy the tranquility of a good book and the melody of my favorite music. I am a lover of love in all its forms, and I fully surrender to passion when I find a special connection. I consider myself an attentive and respectful gentleman, but I also know how to ignite the spark and create unforgettable moments. If you are looking for a sensual and stimulating experience, where elegance combines with unbridled passion, then you are in the right place! Do not hesitate to write to me, I am eager to meet you and explore our deepest desires together.".

  • Nimi: Andrey Hoyos
  • Ikä: 29
  • Kytke päälle:

    Andrey possesses a palate that delights in the indulgence of ice cream, a simple pleasure that contrasts with the iron discipline he cultivates in the gym. His character is a balance between refined courtesy and ardent passion. In his demeanor, Andrey radiates respect and chivalry, values he defends with conviction.

  • Kategoria: Kaverit
  • Etnisyys: Eebenpuu
  • Kehon Tyyppi: Lihas
  • Peniksen koko: Valtava
  • Hiusten pituus: Lyhyt
  • Hiusten väri: Musta
  • Nickname: AndreyHoyos
  • Platform: Livejasmin
  • Arvostelu:
  • Yksityinen: $2.49
  • Avainsanat: BeardLävistysOtoksen ottaminenSavukeStripteaseTanssiZoomaus