Good morning! My name is Mary and I am an aspiring web model. Working as a web model has become a great opportunity for me to develop, build a career and at the same time follow my passions. I hope my dreams will come true and I will continue to delight the world with my work and energy!

  • Nimi: Edyt Farr
  • Ikä: 18
  • Kytke päälle:

    All my life I have been passionate about art: I have drawn and often lost myself in my paintings. For me it is a way to express myself when words cannot describe everything I feel. My other passion is dancing and I cannot imagine a day without moving to music. It gives me a sense of freedom and joy.

  • Kategoria: Amatöörit
  • Etnisyys: Valkoinen
  • Kehon Tyyppi: Keskikokoinen
  • Rintojen koko: Pieni
  • Hiusten pituus: Olkapäätä hipova
  • Hiusten väri: Kastanja
  • Nickname: EdytFarr
  • Platform: Livejasmin
  • Arvostelu:
  • Yksityinen: $0.98
  • Avainsanat: LuonnollinenOtoksen ottaminenTanssi