Hi! My name is Melanie and I am an aspiring webcam model with big dreams and bright hobbies. I love dancing and hip-hop has become my passion. Now I not only dance, but also teach, sharing my energy and love for movement with others.

  • Nimi: Lucetta Dunaway
  • Ikä: 18
  • Kytke päälle:

    Korean culture is another big love of mine. I am inspired by their music, dramas, fashion and beauty. I love experimenting with looks, be it a K-pop idol style or a daring street look. Each new look is like a small adventure where I can be anyone.

  • Kategoria: Amatöörit
  • Etnisyys: Valkoinen
  • Kehon Tyyppi: Hoikka
  • Rintojen koko: Pieni
  • Hiusten pituus: Olkapäätä hipova
  • Hiusten väri: Vaalea
  • Nickname: LucettaDunaway
  • Platform: Livejasmin
  • Arvostelu:
  • Yksityinen: $3.49
  • Avainsanat: LuonnollinenOtoksen ottaminenTanssi