Oh guys, I don't even know where to start. I have many hobbies, I like to dress beautifully, I like to draw, dance, and even more I love bad boys 😈.
- 名前: Emi Jones
- 年齢: 21
- オンにする:
At first glance, I seem modest. But I like to dominate, as well as all the fetishes associated with it. So come on in and we'll talk to you.
- カテゴリー: 女の子
- 民族性: 白人
- 体型: 細身
- バストサイズ: 普通
- 髪の長さ: ロング
- 髪の色: ブラック
- Nickname: EmiJones
- Platform: Livejasmin
- 評価:5
- 非公開: $0.98
- タグ: スナップショット