I love the idea of hedonism. I love seeing beauty in the world and creating it. I really like a busy life with adventures and pleasant surprises. I take a great interest in yoga, various sports trainings. I also enjoy studying psychology and meeting people. I love humor and good communication.
- 名前: Wendi Foster
- 年齢: 37
- オンにする:
Travel, beautiful nature, animals. I love this life.
I appreciate positive, kindness, humor and generosity in people.
- カテゴリー: アマチュア
- 民族性: 白人
- 体型: 細身
- バストサイズ: 普通
- 髪の長さ: ロング
- 髪の色: オーバン
- Nickname: WendiFoster
- Platform: Livejasmin
- 評価:4.13
- 非公開: $2.99
- タグ: ASMRハイヒールレザーロールプレイ自然な足セックス