Have you ever wanted to possess something absolutely perfect? something that cannot spoil, change, become different? something that will never lose its pristine beauty? something that will belong to you completely, infinitely, uncomplainingly and ETERNALLY? The doll is the absolute image of the perfect human being. The standard of beauty and obedience. does not age, does not change in appearance, does not die, does not make claims, cannot refuse, because "plastic girls can't say no", it is always ready to satisfy the owner with all its functions, does not have its own contradictory desires, belongs only to the owner and, in general, is an absolute continuation of his will and any of his wishes. The doll cannot move, dress, speak, or even raise her eyes. She doesn't need orders - her reactions and poses depend on the owner. She's a default acquiescent. catatonic absolute immovable consent, the highest form of extension of your .


VIP Show scheduled start at 2025-02-13 07:43:49
