A buxom cutie who lives in the rhythm of not only dancing, but also her heart. My dream is to attend the Academy Awards ceremony in order to see and photograph my favorite Italian actors.
- Nume: Bellatrix Adams
- Vârstă: 18
- Porniți:
I love freestyle trampolining. Once she won the championship in her city for a triple backflip. Who knows what maneuvers I can do not only on a trampoline ;).
- Categorie: Amatori
- Etnie: Alb
- Tip de Corp: Atletic
- Mărimea Sânului: Mare
- Lungimea părului: Lung
- Culoarea părului: Brun
- Nickname: BellatrixAdams
- Platform: Livejasmin
- Evaluare:4.64
- Privat de la: $
2.49 $0.87(-65%) - Etichete: CapturăFootsexJoc de rolNaturalTwerk
Bellatrix Adams 18 y.o. Atletic Flirt fierbinte