My name is Mary, I'm 18, I live in Poland and I'm studying to be a designer. I like to ride a bike along unfamiliar routes, read books about psychology and walk around the city at night to music. I am inspired by old streets, casual conversations and unexpected moments. My dream is to create a cozy art space where everyone can find inspiration and express themselves.

  • Имя: Emma Eros
  • Возраст: 19
  • Включить:

    I like to walk along old streets, draw and sketch, listen to music, ride a bike, read books on psychology, watch people and make up stories about history, walk through the city at night, travel without a clear plan, look for inspiring scents and enjoy moments of solitude.

  • Категория: Любители
  • Этничность: Белая
  • Тип телосложения: Атлетичный
  • Размер груди: Большой
  • Длина волос: Длинные
  • Цвет волос: Блондин
  • Nickname: EmmaEros
  • Platform: Livejasmin
  • Рейтинг:
  • Приватно от: $2.49
  • Теги: снимок